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The National University Centre for Oral Health, Singapore (NUCOHS) is a national specialty centre that enables NUH’s University Dental Cluster (UDC) and the National University of Singapore (NUS) Faculty of Dentistry (FOD) to operate within NUHS under an academic health centre governance model, with the objective of transforming oral health in Singapore and nurturing the next generation of oral health professionals.

NUCOHS symbolises new beginnings of enhanced co-ordination, synergy and integration that will allow it to champion its tripartite mission of education, research and clinical service. Its clinical services will contribute to affordable public patient care, enhance preventive care dentistry and advance specialist oral health care support for a growing and ageing Singapore population. 

Our Vision: Forging frontiers in the pursuit of Excellence in oral health 

Our Mission: To be a transformative institution that shapes the future of oral health care though exemplary intervention, fostering innovation and championing disease prevention

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